Hunter Bockes

Hunter, commonly referred to by CHunter, is a very simple guy. He loves bright colors, patterns, soft blankets, cars, going to the gym, cooking for and with friends, and watching shows/movies. He also loves playing board games (especially chess) and if you ever want to see him get mad, that is the time to do it. In addition to playing Rocket League with the other ~Nois Bois, Hunter plays Call of Duty and would love to play with anyone reading this who also plays so drop him your gamertag in a private message. Hunter also loves dogs and hopes to get a foster dog soon. He says that if anyone wants to come and walk with them/visit the dog, they are more than welcome and they would love the company :)

When Hunter is not doing any of the activities mentioned above or his other ~Nois responsibilities he is either working at PM Woodwind (a woodwind repair shop in Evanston, IL) or teaching saxophone lessons. Hunter maintains a private teaching studio as well as being the saxophone instructor at Niles West High School in Skokie, IL.

Learn more about Hunter at
